Tips For Choosing The Best Room For Your Piano
Moving into a new home requires some planning, especially if you have a piano to move. The best option is to bring in professional movers to make sure the instrument isn't damaged in transport or set-up. Equally as important is choosing which room will house the piano so you can have it ready when the movers arrive. Not just any room will do, but the following tips can help you pick the best one.
Tip #1: Pick the right climate
When it comes to pianos, the temperature and humidity in the space matters. Temperatures between 70 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, teamed with humidity levels near 40 percent, are the ideal. This means you want to place the piano in a location in the room that isn't too close to heat or air vents, but also isn't in direct sunlight or near a drafty window. In dry climates, you may need to place a humidifier in the room, while wet climates may need a dehumidifier. You also may want to avoid rooms adjacent to the bathroom or kitchen, since steam from the sinks, showers, or cooking could affect the piano.
Tip #2: Avoid vibrations
Old windows are the most common cause of vibrations in a piano room, which can distract from the sound of the piano when it is being played. One way to check for vibrations is to stand in the center of the room and make a sharp sound, such as clapping your hands or striking a tuning fork. Stomping your feet can also reveal vibrations. Replacing the weatherstripping or installing new windows may be necessary to fix the vibration of the windows. Loose items, such as molding or built-in shelves, can also cause vibrations but these can typically be fixed by simply tightening the screws or driving in a new nail.
Tip #3: Lay down some rugs
Carpeting isn't usually the norm in a piano room since it can muffle the sound of the piano, dulling the bright tones of the instrument. Hardwood floors can help amplify the sound of your piano, but they can lead to echoes or a hollow sound. One way to remedy this is to place a rug underneath the piano. A small patch of carpeting cushions the echo without dulling the sound. Lay the rug down a day or two before the movers arrive so it can relax first. This will prevent it from bunching up beneath the piano. For more help, contact a professional piano mover in your area.